Industrial Internet of Things vs. Cloud Computing – Which is More Efficient in Data Management

October 25, 2021

Industrial Internet of Things vs. Cloud Computing – Which is More Efficient in Data Management

Are you struggling with data management in your industrial automation facility? With the rise of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Cloud Computing, it can be confusing to choose which technology to implement. In this blog, we'll compare IIoT and Cloud Computing in terms of data management efficiency.

What is Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?

IIoT is a network of physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that enable data exchange and automation. It can be used in industries to monitor and control machines, track inventory, and predict equipment failures. IIoT devices can produce massive volumes of data, and it's critical to manage them efficiently.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet, including storage, databases, servers, and software. It's an on-demand service that companies can use to store and manage their data. With cloud computing, companies can access their data from anywhere, which enables remote work and increased collaboration.

Efficiency in Data Management

Both IIoT and Cloud Computing offer efficient data management. However, they have differences in how they achieve it.

Data Storage

IIoT devices use edge computing to process their data locally, reducing the need for cloud storage costs. This on-site processing allows for faster response time, reduced latency, and more reliability.

On the other hand, cloud computing relies on centralized servers to store data. Cloud storage is flexible and scalable, but it can also increase latency and incur higher costs when managing massive amounts of data.

Data Security

One of the biggest advantages of cloud computing is data security. Cloud providers implement sophisticated security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls, to protect user data.

In IIoT, security is a significant challenge due to the multitude of endpoints. Each device connected to the network can be a potential security risk if not managed correctly.


The cost of IIoT deployment depends on the number of devices needed, the complexity of the system, and the type of sensors and software required. IIoT offers more control over costs since companies can customize their devices for specific purposes.

Cloud computing offers subscription plans, which can be cost-effective for small businesses. However, the cost can increase as the amount of data stored in the cloud grows.


Both IIoT and Cloud Computing offer efficient data management, depending on the company's needs. IIoT is ideal for companies that require on-site processing, high reliability, and low latency. On the other hand, cloud computing offers remote data access, scalability, and robust data security.

In conclusion, it's essential to choose the technology that aligns with the company's goals and budget. Implementing IIoT or Cloud Computing requires careful evaluation to determine which technology can offer the best return on investment.


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